Belo Horizonte: a planned city
the state of Minas Gerais is a half-day drive from the coast. Or take a scenic train ride to brasil's first (1899) planned capital City.
scenic train ride into BRASIL’s majestic hill COUNTRY
Brasil is similar in size to continental USA. brasil’s infrastructure favors airports over rail passenger service. the global giant vale mining conglomerate (Vale Company) provides passenger service on freight-dedicated routes. the limited service provides a comfortable journey with breathtaking views. visit: Vale passenger services
belo horizonte translates to 'beautiful horizon' for a sophisticated city
After independence from Portugal (1889), minas gerais officials began plans for a new modern state capital. the design would assert a national prominence in wealth & politics. Today this is brasil’s capital of the mining industry hosting 3 of the world's largest iron ore mines. for 2 centuries (1700s - 1800s) the region grew mining gold, diamonds, iron ore, bauxite & copper. this overtook agri-crops of coffee, sugar and rubber plants. The regions global export trade would propel brasil into the global economy VISit: belo horizonte - visit brasil
LIBRARIAN, Albilio barretto’S documentS belo horizonte historY
in the early 1900's. Albilio barretto was city librarian for the reborn city (1899). in 1934 he was assigned by then mayor juscelino kubitschek (Later brasil's president 1956-61). to organize the city's historical documents & significant official artifacts. todayan excellent museum bears the librarian's name. visit: Abílio Barreto Historical Museum...
“LAKE PAMPULHA - As a new Belo Horizonte was being planned (1897) far from Brasil’s oceanfront, a massive lake system was developed in the 1940s. Pampulha Lake is a source of water for the City and a surrounding district houses 482,000 residents. Covering 1.6 miles the Lake’s area includes a Federal University, a futebol stadium, a Convention-Arena, the Church of Saint Francis of Assisi designed by architect Oscar Niemeyer and the Museum of Modern Art. A spectacular natural enhancement & recreational space for Brasil’s 6th largest city.”