Museu do Cafe - Honoring Brasil's Gift to the World

that daily cup of coffee shapes global culture &

in brasil it was 'black gold' 


Cafe Bolsa chairmen's platform 

the energizing effects of coffee are recorded in 9th century ethiopia. in early 1700's massive acreage is planted in favorable new world climate of brasil. under the dutch flag huge coffee plantations begin production in brasil's northeast region.

non-members viewed from upper gallery

by early 1800's brasil is the world's major producer distributor of coffee. in 1922 This Cafe Bolsa or 'growers market building is a neo-classical design. in santos, south america's largest shipping port. by 1950 the bolsa is moved to sao paulo 1-hour north.. 


bolsa member trading pit

the cafe bolsa trading circle restricted seating for 81 powerful trading members. growers employed brokers to obtain access to daily  trade activity. the palatial edifice features finest materials like multi-colored intricately-laced polished marbled floors.


the palace for coffee

this palatial structure is a symbol of brasil's emergence and prominence on the world stage as the originator of the coffee industry. The museum also acknowledges coffee's dominant role in the formation of brasil's early agri-economy & identity, it's cultural impact remains strong..

For more info visit: museu do cafe, Santos SP

The museum is 3 floors of excursion of brasil history. from the 1500s to present day, Brasil leads the world in coffee production.

superior artistic & technical displays are presented.with multi-media and interactive options & english content.

the chronological format is not limited to coffee. the museum's mission articulates phases of national development. skilled docents are helpful with english  speakers available.