Art flourishes as The SalvadorWay of Life
The Art Everywhere project in the city of salvador is a model how local government allows art to intersperse into the daily lives of residents & visitors. numerous projects are funded & administered by the city's secretary of culture, the schedule includes Visual Arts, Audiovisual content, Circus fare, ethnic Cultures, Popular Culture, Dance, Festivals, Theater, Music and Literature. annual proposals are received from each district of the city's 60 neighborhoods. participation in 1300 annual cultural events, workshops or project series reach an audience of over 1 million people.
historic Mansions present art: Bahia Art Museum + Palace of the arts
as a world-class city with 500 years of history salvador has museums/galleries around every corner. the Bahia Art Museum collection began with Jonathas Abbott an English physician in Salvador's early 1800s. Abbott assembled, 400 paintings & Foreign works acquired on Abbott's visits to Europe. in 1918 his mansion became the government’s 1st. museum in Bahia state & in Brasil. The Palácio da Vitória as it is known was erected 1879 for wealthy slave trader José de Cerqueira Lima. the govt, acquired the mansion for the provincial president. today's collection fills gaps in painting, sculpture and decorative arts with regard to 20th century 'bahia school of painting' core. visit Bahia art museum. nearby across the street resides another one-time private mansion whose owner was an avid collector of art.. The palace das artes is an opulent 1912 home of a successful local businessman’s family. The display features garden sculpture by Rodin and interior displays will feature local, brasilian along with international works. Visit Palace of the artes.
salvador Street Art
salvador is an internationally recognized capital for graphite, street murals & public art. it’s creation & formal proliferation is supported through city & bahia state funding. One of several highlight events & competitions is the annual bahia street festival . few major cities have this much changing art on display in all sections of this massive urban region. for more info Visit Salvador street artists…
solar do unhao museum of modern art
a collection of Brazilian modernism and contemporary art, More than 1000 works of leading artists. The museum hosts exhibitions: Goya, Jesus Soto, Picasso and other contemporary works with exchange and partnerships, international - national. as a cultural center, the space offers various art form workshop programs with courses in painting, modeling, drawing on handmade paper, and events, theater and music. visit Museum of modern art
Museum of sacred art of salvador
a testament to the role of the catholic church in brasil’s development are local church-sponsored museums. Museu de arte sacra de salvador began life in 1671 as a benedictine hospice facility. a century earlier (1549) salvador was designated capital of the prosperous portuguese colony. church leaders commissioned europe-based & local artisans even financing travel & study for promising slaves to learn technique & trends from europe’s finest arts institutions.
afro-brasilian art honored throughout pelourinho
in salvador you experience brasil’s dominant cultural sensibilities. Unlike counterparts in north america, brasil’s portuguese slave masters allowed the africans to continue practice of native religious, spiritual & tribal ceremony. while undergoing conversion at the hands of the holy roman catholic church. these few photos are from university of bahia’s museum collection and the state-controlled afro-brasilian museum.. both are located in historic pelorouho,