exploring Brasil’s regions:

featured update: Recent visit to southern states

featured artisit: Samba-Bossa Nova Vocalist, Ana Carla Xavier

skyscrapers glisten in a southern brasil city

When reading my observations about Brasil, be aware I’m an American who has traveled & lived in many cities and regions of Brasil for several years.

FACT #1: Brasil’s global economic rank (GDP) expanded 15th to #9 in recent 2 decades.

FACT #2: Brasil society is shaped of the same European colonial, slave-based dynamics that shaped the USA.

Fact #3: An expanding middle-class is transforming Brasil, beyond obsolete ‘3rd world - grass hut’ images.

And as you find in many USA cities, in Brasil will you find poverty (ie. homelessness) adjacent to surging wealth and progress. Brasil faces complex urban development problems..

Brasil is 220 million, beauty-endowed, joy-filled, multi-ethnic peoples. Over 5 centuries, they have evolved to combine native - migrant - ethnic origins who settled to enjoy largely mild weather conditions. The Atlantic coastal region, 4,600 miles in length is home to 70% of Brasil’s population.

Cultural diversity is accepted throughout Brasil. Recent census reports, identify 60% of households as non-white. Accomplishing this societal integration is a key factor driving Brasil’s evolution as a world diplomatic & economic leader. The ‘Brasil Style’ has earned a reputation for producing an ‘adaptive force’ utilized for growth through new relationships...