BORROCO: 17th-18th Century Afro-Brasil Masters of Art
Catholic church origins
Developed by art research scholars and historians at sao paulo's afro brasil museum & university of sao paulo, this traveling show presents the works of slaves assigned to assist in production of church artifacts.
The baroque era 1600 - 1800
The age of discovery was good for artists. and numbers Highly-skilled slave artists could earn freedom for their efforts. many connected with wealthy benefactors, even the royal court for commissions beyond the church.
rococo movement
the final stage of the baroque era saw an overly decorative flourish that in the rococo movement of the late 1700's. large numbers of afro-brasil masters became proficient in this style as wealth among the colonies escalates to unbelievable heights. Art Work, commissions and sponsorship for these former slaves, now enterprising master artists and craftsmen grew exponentially. fine custom furniture, epic scene painting, sculpture, designer clothing and portraits
more info: Museu Afro Basil, sao paulo - Secretary of Culture
Music, literature, poetry, works in architecture as well as painting and sculpture produced directly or ornamented by afro-brasil masters are recorded and part of this touring national exhibit.
benefactors would commission the afro-brasil master craftsmen to create custom furniture adorned in gold-leaf such as this bedroom altar.